
airSniffler for Business

Empower your Workforce with Knowledge and Security

All businesses are responsible for the safety of their employees. Low air quality in the working environment is also one of the risks to be aware of. Workers may be at risk, for example, from high levels of NO2 in a warehouse or garage, airborne chemical fumes in a workshop, dry air in the office, or even prolonged exposure to cold or hot. 

Poor air quality at work causes many problems, from reduced productivity to serious illness. Small but prolonged deviations in air quality can lead to chronic disease. However, just a few isolated incidents with air pollution can lead to disaster. Mitigating these risks helps protect your employees and thus your whole company.

The airSniffler device is capable of monitoring NO2, ozone, VOCs, temperature, humidity and UV levels in your offices, warehouses, workshops or even in work cars. You can choose whether to use the equipment as part of the employee's uniform or install them on a room or vehicle basis. Portability is backed by light weight and long battery life.

airSniffler connects to your phone over Bluetooth. Our Android/iOS app provides helpful real-time insights and history charts.

Custom Data Analytics Solutions

We can build a cloud application tailored to the specific needs of your business, bringing together airSniffler device telemetry from all your employees. Analyzing this data on a company-wide level can be most beneficial.

We are also happy to work together to integrate telemetry from airSniffler devices with your own existing database system. We can share our Bluetooth API specification or build a custom mobile app.


Contact Us

For more information, please contact us at

airSniffler devices can be ordered from our Online Shop. A companion Smartphone App can be downloaded from Android/iOS app stores.